
First answer to pop up in my head...

Yourself: Blessed
Your Partner: Loved
Your Hair: Up
Your Mother: Beautiful
Your Father: Complex
Your Favorite Item: iPhone
Your Dream Last Night: Traveling the world
Your Favorite Drink: Peach soda
Your Dream Car: Mercedes Benz (got it!)
Dream Home: Custom built in a great neighborhood
The Room You Are In: Living room
Your Fear: Letting others down
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: A mother
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: My man and doggy, Bella
You’re Not: Loud
One of Your Wish List Items: Get in shape
The Last Thing You Did: Ate dinner
You Are Wearing: Scrubs
Your Favorite Weather: Fall
Your Favorite Book: Too many...I love reading! Mostly science fiction.
Last Thing You Ate: Red Hot
Your Life: Filled with opportunities
Your Mood: Hopeful
Your Best Friend: Calming
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Love
Your Car: Pollen coated
What Are You Doing At The Moment: Typing
Relationship Status: Happy and ready for marriage on 6/11/11!!!
What Is On Your TV: A reality show
What Is The Weather Like: Just right
When Is The Last Time You Laughed: 30 minutes ago


What do you do again?

I am a proud Pathologist Assistant. What is that you may ask? To put it simply, I cut up organs all day. More complex, I describe and section every single biopsy or organ from the OR in order to assess them for various pathological disorders. I am the eyes for the pathologist who will view my organ sections microscopically to diagnose the patient. I have been a PA for two years now and truly enjoy my career. I had the wonderful opportunity to study pathology and receive my Masters degree at Duke University. I am still amazed by how much I learned in those two years.

For more information check out the AAPA website: www.pathassist.org


First Daily Dose

Let the countdown begin...2 months until I become Mrs. Daniels! I have never felt this excited and nervous about anything in my life. At this point, I'm looking forward to the day but mostly the honeymoon with my amazing man!

I am truly excited about this new venue to share my experiences.